The non-denominational church uploads sermons to their website, hosts a blog, has a Facebook page and sends out weekly video e-mails to congregation members. Many church goers know the sermons are available to them online, but some, like Taylor Sauginas don’t.
“I didn’t know about it,” said Sauginas, “[but] I would like to use it.”
Making it Easy for People
Church member, Aaron Stukey, said it was great so see the church keeping up with technology.
“If you’re not able to go [to church] you could go and see what you missed, compared to years back, before they had that,” said Stukey. “It makes it a lot more convenient,” he added.
The video e-mails or “v-mails” are sent to church members every week. The topics range from parking to prayer. Lead Pastor, John Elmer, said they have been getting a great response from people who get the v-mail.
“A lot of people like the personal touch through the week, of a video,” Elmer said.
Church Online Isn't the Same
In addition to the sermons, blog, and “v-mails,” Elmer said he is trying to develop an online church service for people who can’t make it every week. But, he said, it should not replace physically going to church.
“Church by definition, in my mind, is a community of people and online is somewhat isolating. I think face to face[…]is very important because it’s when we’re face to face, we really get to deal with each other’s issues,” said Elmer.
Using the Internet to Grow
According to Elmer, the internet has really helped the congregation grow. The church started over 17 years ago with five people in a living room. The Vineyard has now grown to about 950 people per weekend. Elmer attributes a lot of this growth to the internet.
“Most people, if they weren’t invited by a friend or family member, the way they heard about us was on the internet,” Elmer said. “That’s the number one way,” he concluded.
For now, the Vineyard will focus on building up their Facebook presence and increasing their overall online capabilities. The church is also looking to possibly expand their church to a location near Syracuse University next fall.